
Showing posts from July, 2019

Twitter Marketing - 10 Tips for More Followers

Twitter Marketing Many marketing and social media executives speak mainly of Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. The microblogging service "Twitter" is often behind for many. Twitter is in many cases "obedient" with the least possible effort. This attitude is certainly true for some industries and companies, but there are many companies for which a professional Twitter marketing pays off. Who should deal with Twitter? As a rule, the use of social media channels should be preceded by an analysis of which target group is represented in which social media channels. If the analysis reveals that Twitter has strongly established itself in the relevant target group, this channel should by no means only be run as an afterthought but should be thoughtfully and with great dedication. This is especially the case for companies that deal directly with end customers with their products. Tips To Get More Twitter Followers  1. Make a good impression The Twitter appear...

Instagram As A Marketing Tool - 10 Tips for your Business Profile

Today, more than 60 per cent of companies worldwide use Instagram for their corporate communications. And rightly so: Instagram offers a whole range of possibilities and features that you can use to attract a lot of attention to your business. We have 10 helpful tips for you on how to get the most out of your Instagram profile and inspire your followers. 1. Enthusiastic with picture worlds Instagram is first and foremost an image platform and is there to post, liking and commenting on pictures. Take advantage of this visual storytelling! With the mass of pictures on Instagram, it can quickly sink into arbitrariness. You should absolutely avoid this: The best way to achieve this through so-called picture worlds. Motives that move out of a familiar environment. Because you get your followers emotionally - and they feel understood. Image worlds have the power to create a certain mood, open a world and visually support a topic. What these image worlds are and how you impl...

Fundamentals: Twitter for Business

With the designation "Twitter", that is to say, "twitter" in literal French, the social media service founded in 2006 has chosen a name that says a lot about its use.  Indeed, just like a bird chirping over long distances, Twitter's short messages (whose size is limited to 280 characters) are intended to be noticed  by as many people as possible  but not only. Unlike the classic example of Facebook, Twitter is not about socializing or sharing content with friends.  Indeed, the focus is rather on  the rapid dissemination of information;   a message aims to be read by as many people as possible in the shortest possible time.  The important thing is not to be read by specific people, but to reach many people who will follow or share your Twitter contribution (so-called tweets). A  tweet  is a message posted on the Twitter platform, or possibly status change information.  Since many of these short messages are about the person who ...

How Companies Use Twitter Effectively

Twitter is not a sealed book and less complicated than many think. I would even say that Twitter is the perfect network to learn from his successes and mistakes and to drive his marketing optimally. I am quite active on Twitter myself and often discover orphaned accounts. In my opinion, one has to give up far too early here. You do not deactivate all websites and shops if you are not found so often in the startup phase and thus only a few orders or inquiries come in. Nothing comes from nothing, and even on Twitter, a regular presence is required to achieve his goals. Plus some effort and patience. Twitter has come to stay Ten years are now, and Twitter is for companies who want to promote their business "in digital", more attractive. For example, the Twitter ads are not comparable to the Facebook ads - with the added bonus that I've never been so smart about how those numbers actually work ... With the Tweet Activity Dashboard on Twitter, on the other hand, it...

How to Embed Twitter Feed On Website

Twitter is a microblogging social media platform where users post short character-limited messages which can be supported by images and videos. Twitter is known to have over 330 million active monthly users with over 75% of B2B businesses marketing on Twitter. Users are always exploring exciting and engaging content over Twitter. It is an excellent source of user-generated content as the usage of mentions and hashtags allows users to interact with brands besides the basic idea of sharing news, opinions, and communications.  Given that, Twitter feed is basically a timeline carousel consisting of all the relevant content from Twitter according to filtration provided by the user.  We have put together the step-by-step procedure on how to embed Twitter feed onto your website. The procedure is basic and easy to execute and does not require any technical expertise (just some basic knowledge). Let’s start with Taggbox, Creating Twitter Feed Wall By Using T...

How To Embed Instagram Feed On Website

Instagram is one of the most engaging social media platforms. It has around 1 billion monthly active users. Instagram stories, filters, and geo-tagging are becoming a significant part of everybody's life. User participation is highest on Instagram than on any other social networking platform. As most of us understand that, the moreover we showcase will attract more customers. The very best method to exhibit our work is by displaying it on our site. Embed Instagram feed on website and increase the engagement of the customers, also enhance your brand credibility. To make your site more flourishing, embed an Instagram feed onto it. Here we learn how to embed Instagram Feed on the website through one such interesting tool Taggbox. ADD INSTAGRAM FEED USING TAGGBOX Step1. Create an account or Sign-In on Taggbox and click on "+Create Wall" option to create a new Instagram feed wall. Step2. Give a name to your wall as per you and click on "Cre...